How to Prevent Heat Pack Burns
Heating pack used to provide relieve discomfort caused by muscle and joint pain. However they may result in burn injuries when used inappropriately.
- Do take the pack out and check the temperature before heating further. Heat packs should always be warmed and used according to the
manufacturer’s instructions, and never overheated.
- Do not apply the heat pack directly onto the skin. Cover with a towel or blanket to prevent contact burns
- Do not sleep with a heat pack as sustained contact may cause severe burns
- Do not use on skin which doesn’t have normal feeling. Keep in mind that children and elderly people’s thin skin may not tolerate heat well and can burn more easily.
- Be aware that steam may come out of a warm heat pack: be careful when lifting heat packs from the microwave after heating.
If you, or someone you know is burnt, take the following actions:
- Remove clothing and jewellery
- Apply cool running water to the burn for at least 20 minutes
- Cover burn with clean cloth and keep the patient warm Do NOT use ice, butter, creams, etc
- Seek medical attention for any burn bigger than 20c piece size, or with blisters, or if any other concerns are present